It's been a long time since I last posted on here. It's been a long time since I posted anywhere...

But I'm back, and raring to go.
As for billions of people, the last year has been tumultuous. In and out of lockdown, liberty to travel limited, sickness and death among people we know and love, my father and father-in-law among them.
Being unable to see loved ones, including my children and grandchildren has weighed heavily on my heart, although their resilience has amazed me - my young grandchildren take it all in their stride.
As a craftsperson, my routine has been turned upside down. I can't travel to the places I usually frequent whether it is a photogenic location or a fabric shop, a nature reserve or a wildlife centre. These are all things that I took for granted in 2019.
Now, in early 2021, there are glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel. I've had my first vaccination, the terrible toll of numbers are coming down, I've planned a trip to Wales at the end of May when I hope restrictions will allow us to spend time in a self-contained holiday home.

I lived in Wales for half my life and feel that it is my adopted home, the place I feel most alive and at peace. My dream is to create a smallholding there where all my family can get together.
Getting back to writing about art, craft and photography and sharing on here tells me my head is getting back to the right place. Covid hasn't been the only barrier, considerable personal loss and commitments have kept me tied up, away from doing the things I love.
Most of us have struggled in some way, I hope the end is in sight for them.
New to my blog musings will be stories from my allotment. Growing food is another creative outlet for me, and the taste of your own produce is oh so sweet. Not to mention it kept me in cooking tomatoes for almost a year!

I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this, looking forward to the conversation
Take care